JSBML Documentation

This page provides information on how to install JSBML, how to use the application programming interface (API), and other information.

Installation and configuration

To use JSBML, you must first obtain a copy, install it, and configure your environment to use it.

Getting started – basic installation guide
This page explains how to install and configure JSBML. It describes different options for doing so: using Maven, downloading a ready-to-use .jar file, or compiling the source code.
Extensions and modules installation guide
JSBML implements support for SBML Level 3 packages using JSBML extensions. This page describes how to find and install extensions for individual Level 3 packages. This page also describes how to use add-on modules for JSBML, such as the libSBML compatibility module.
Eclipse configuration
If you use the Eclipse integrated development environment, this page has information about how to set it up to work with JSBML.


The use of JSBML presumes familiarity with SBML. If you are not familiar with SBML, a good starting point would be to read the SBML specifications. If you have questions about SBML, you may find answers in the SBML FAQ or asking other people in the general forum sbml-discuss.

JSBML User’s Guide
The JSBML User’s Guide is the best introduction to using JSBML. This guide includes a general introduction to working with SBML using JSBML and the documentation on the differences between JSBML and libSBML.
Java class diagram
The diagram of the JSBML class hierarchy provides an overview of the object classes in JSBML.
API documentation
The JSBML API documentation describes the objects and methods defined by JSBML. The documentation is produced using Javadoc directly from the source code files.

Additional information for JSBML developers

The following are resources especially relevant to JSBML developers.

API differences between releases
These reports were generated using JDiff; they summarize the API differences between versions of JSBML.
GitHub repository for JSBML
This link takes you to the repository for JSBML in GitHub.
Pivotal Tracker and JSBML
The JSBML team uses Pivotal Tracker to plan and coordinate development. This page provides information about the conventions used by the team.
Google Summer of Code projects
JSBML has often had developer contributions from the Google Summer of Code and the NRNB Academy. Visit the SBML.org contributors page for more information about these and other summer projects.